今晚8点,大家期待已久的iCANX Talks 第十期即将重磅来袭,本次邀请了两位来自新加坡的顶尖学者为大家带来最新科研成果。新加坡国立大学的林水德教授团队利用微流控技术对血液中与细胞的力学性质相关(例如大小和形变等等)的生物标志物进行研究,成功地实现了通过在病人的常规抽血(即液体活检)的外周循环血样中检测和探寻患病细胞,并进行疾病诊断。此外,人工皮肤感知方向研究的不断发展为新兴传感器4.0提供了全新的视角,来自新加坡南洋理工大学的陈晓东教授将从材料开发,传感器制造,信息处理和系统集成等几个方面的角度为我们介绍这一方向的最新研究进展。
The highly expected iCANX Talks Vol.10 will be ceremoniously holed at 8:00 pm of June 19 (Beijing time). This time, two top scholars from Singapore are invited to bring you the latest scientific research reports. The team of Prof. Chwee Teck (C.T.) Limfrom National University of Singapore utilized microfluidic to study cell mechanics related biomarkers (such as cell size and deformation, etc.) in the blood. They successfully realized the detection and retrieval of the diseased cells in the peripheral blood samples of patients' routine blood draw (aka liquid biopsy), and then achieved disease diagnosis. Meanwhile, the continuous development of the artificial skin perception provides a new perspective for emerging sensor 4.0. Prof. Xiaodong Chen from Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore will introduce the latest research progress in this direction from the perspectives of material development, sensor manufacturing, information processing and system integration.
在前几期的iCANX talks直播中,吸引了全球数以万计的业内学者观看直播,由研究生组成的学术小组整理撰写的书面学术报告也深受学者们的喜爱。使得iCANX Talks成为极具影响力的高科技云端学术峰会。
In the previous 9 weeks iCANX talks live broadcast, it has attracted tens of thousands scholars around the world, and the technical reports written by the graduate students are also highly popular among scholars. iCANX Talks has gradually grow up to a highly influential high-tech cloud academic summit.
Here comes the three abstracts & Bios of this Friday’s iCANX Talks!

Artificial Skin Perception: Towards Sensor 4.0
Xiaodong Chen
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
陈晓东 新加坡南洋理工大学
Skin is the largest organ with the functionalities of protection, regulation and sensation. The emulation of human skin via flexible and stretchable electronics gives rise to electronic skin (e-skin), which has realized artificial sensation and other functions that cannot be achieved by conventional electronics, such as stretchability and self-healing. To date, great progress has been made in data acquisition and transmission for e-skin systems, while the implementation of perception within systems, i.e. sensory data processing, is still in its infancy. Integrating the perception functionality into a flexible and stretchable sensing system, namely artificial skin perception, is critical to endow current e-skin systems with higher intelligence. In this talk, I will present some latest progress in artificial skin sensation and perception with the viewpoint from materials development, sensor fabrication, information processing, and system integration. The perspectives on developing emerging sensor 4.0 will be discussed as well. Artificial skin perception would be a new enabling technology to construct next-generation intelligent electronic devices and systems, paving the way for advanced soft robotic applications, such as surgical assistance, rehabilitation, and prosthetics.
Dr. Xiaodong Chen is President’s Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, Professor of Chemistry by courtesy) and Professor of Medicine (by courtesy) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU). He is the Director of Innovative Centre for Flexible Devices (iFLEX) at NTU and the Director of Max Planck –NTU Joint Lab for Artificial Senses. He received his B.S. degree (Honors) in chemistry from Fuzhou University (China) in 1999, M.S. degree (Honors) in physical chemistry from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002, and Ph.D. degree (Summa Cum Laude) in biochemistry from University of Muenster (Germany) in 2006. After his postdoctoral fellow working at Northwestern University (USA), he started his independent research career as Nanyang Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University since 2009. He was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in Sept 2013, then Full Professor in Sept 2016. He was appointed as the President’s Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering in April 2019. His research interests include mechano-materials and devices, integrated nano-bio interface, and cyber-human.
陈晓东博士现为新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程校长讲席教授,兼任化学教授和医学教授。他目前担任NTU柔性器件创新中心主任和Max Planck– NTU人工感知联合实验室主任。他1999年毕业于福州大学化学系,2002年于中科院化学所获得硕士学位,2006年获得德国明斯特大学生物化学博士学位。在美国西北大学从事博士后研究之后,他于2009年开始在NTU担任助理教授,2013年任副教授,2016年升任正教授。他的研究兴趣包括材料力学,纳米生物界面和柔性电子。他目前担任国际期刊ACS Materials Letter副主编和数十个国际著名期刊顾问编委,其中包括Advanced Materials,ACS Nano,Small等期刊。他曾获新加坡国立研究基金会研究奖,新加坡国立研究基金会新秀奖,Small青年创新奖,南洋研究奖,Lubrizol青年材料科学研究员奖,贝塞尔研究奖,科睿唯安高被引科学家,皇家化学学会会士等奖项和荣誉。
Electronic skin电子皮肤系统; sensory data processing传感数据处理; emerging sensor 4.0新兴传感器4.0; intelligent electronic devices智能电子设备; soft robotic软机器人.

Microfluidics for Disease Diagnosis & Precision Therapy:From Bench to Bedside
Professor Chwee Teck (C.T.) Lim
NUS Society Chair Professor, National University of Singapore
林水德教授 新加坡国立大学讲席教授
课题组网站: https://ctlimlab.org/
There are approximately 5 billion cells in one milliliter of blood with red blood cells accounting for >99% of all cellular components. Besides blood constituents, pathogenic microorganisms or diseased cells such as circulating cancer cells can also be present in peripheral blood. In fact, this is of clinical significance as their presence in blood can present possible routes for disease detection and diagnosis. Here, we address these issues and demonstrate that cell mechanics related biomarkers such as cell size and deformability can be effectively used for diseased cell detection and diagnosis from blood using microfluidics by leveraging on its many inherent advantages such as high sensitivity and spatial resolution, short processing time and low cost. We will present examples of diagnosis of diseases via the detection and retrieval of diseased cells such as malaria infected red blood cells, bacteria and circulating tumor cells from peripheral blood of patients via a routine blood draw (aka liquid biopsy). These simple, efficient and cost effective approaches will be imperative in realizing diagnostics as well as the enrichment of clinical samples for subsequent downstream molecular analyses.
一毫升血液中约有50亿个细胞,其中99 %是红细胞。在外周循环血中,除了红细胞以外,还存在一些致病微生物或者患病的细胞,例如循环癌细胞等。事实上,这些患病细胞的存在具有非常高的临床价值,因为这些致病微生物和患病细胞在血液当中出现的可以作为疾病诊断和检测的重要指标。微流控技术具有灵敏度和空间分辨率高,样品处理时间短和价格低等优点。用微流控技术对血液中与细胞的力学性质相关(例如大小和形变等等)的生物标志物进行的研究表明,这类标志物可以用于有效的检测和分析患病细胞。利用这种方法,我们成功的实现了通过在病人的常规抽血(即液体活检)的外周循环血样中检测和探寻患病细胞,例如疟疾感染的红细胞,细菌和循环肿瘤细胞,来进行疾病诊断。这些检测手段简单,有效而且经济,是实现诊断和丰富用于下游分子分析的临床样品所急需的方法。
Professor Chwee Teck Lim is the NUS Society Chair Professor, Founding PI of Mechanobiology Institute and Director of the Institute for Health Innovation and Technology (iHealthtech) at the National University of Singapore. He is also the Founding Director of the Singapore Health Technologies Consortium. His research interests are in the mechanobiology of human diseases and microfluidic technologies for disease diagnosis, prognosis, precision therapy and healthcare wearable applications.
He has coauthored over 400 peer-reviewed journal publications including in Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, PNAS, Chemical Reviews, etc and has also given close to 400 plenary/keynote/invited lectures. He is an elected fellow of both the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and the International Academy for Medical & Biological Engineering (IAMBE), Academy of Engineering, Singapore (SAEng) and the Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS). He currently sits on the editorial boards or as associate editor of more than 20 international journals. Prof Lim has co-founded six spin-offs to commercialize technologies developed in his lab.
He and his team have garnered over 100 research awards including Highly Cited Researcher in 2019, International Precision Medicine Center Conference Prize in 2017, ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award. Asian Scientists 100 and IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award in 2016, Vladimir K. Zworykin Award in 2015, Credit Suisse Technopreneur of the Year Award and Wall Street Journal Asian Innovation Award (Gold) in 2012 and President's Technology Award in 2011 among others.
林水德教授是新加坡国立大学机械生物学研究所的创始人和健康创新与技术研究所(iHealthtech)的所长,同时也是新加坡健康技术协会的创始董事。林教授的研究领域涉及人类疾病的机械生物学和用于疾病诊断、预后、精确治疗和医疗穿戴应用的微流控技术。林水德教授与人合著了400多篇经同行评议的期刊论文,包括《自然》、《科学》、《自然材料》、《自然物理学》、《自然通讯》、《高级材料》、《PNAS》、《化学评论》等,还做了近400次全会/主题演讲/特邀演讲。他是美国医学与生物工程研究所(AIMBE)和国际医学与生物工程学院(IAMBE)、新加坡工程学院(SAEng)和新加坡国家科学院(SNAS)的院士。他目前担任20多家国际期刊的副主编和编辑委员会成员。林教授参与创立了六家公司,将其实验室开发的技术商业化。林水德教授和他的团队获得了100多项研究奖项,包括2019年高被引研究员、2017年国际精密医学中心会议奖、东盟杰出工程成就奖、2016年获得亚洲百位杰出科学家和IES著名工程成就奖、2015年获得Vladimir K. Zworykin奖、2012年获得瑞信年度技术专家奖和《华尔街日报》亚洲创新金奖、2011年获得总统技术奖等。
Diseased cells患病细胞; disease detection and diagnosis疾病诊断和检测; microfluidics微流控技术; biomarkers生物标志物; liquid biopsy液体活检.

每期iCANX Talks 直播结束后,组委会都会安排iCANX Talks学术小组撰写学术报告总结,优质的学术总结报告广受大家好评。这一独特的参会听取学术报告并撰写总结报告的新形式,既为感兴趣的参会者和读者深度理解相关技术提供了帮助,也为研究生同学停课不停学,在家深入开展科研学习提供了平台。
